Friday, March 5, 2010

career talk-part 3 (3rd panel) : writing a promising resume

part ni yg best skali...sbb ape?ini part utk buat resume...hehe..sebelum nie mgkin kt pernah buat resume utk dhantar ke organisasi..begitu juga aku dan rakan2 yang lain yg mghantar resume ke organisasi untuk mendapatkan tmpat praktikal..resume yg aku hntar cume resume biasa yg d 'copy' drp senior2 lalu yg juga mggunakan resume tsebut utk apply kerja...

biasalah, apb xdak ilmu yg mncukupi utk buat resume, kita akn anggap itulah resume yg 'terbaik' untuk kt...tapi sbnarnya ia salah...resume punyai teknik yg trtentu dan bukan mudah untuk menyiapkan resume yg terbaik, mantap, dan sempurna..d mana apb kita bg resume pd employer, for sure dpt keja..haa, mcm mn tu??nie la aku nak cite d cni...sbg perkongsian maklumat yg aku peroleh semasa ceramah..

panel yg ketiga, (biar aku ulangi lagi)..adalah seorang felo MISC,iaitu EN LOKMAN...seronok tgk cara beliau menyampaikan ceramah pd hr tu…mngntuk pn jadi terjaga..sbb de lawak2 n mmg bminat utk tahu cara mmbuat resume…hehe, kalau ada dipanjangkan, nak je tau dgn lebih lanjut ilmu menyediakan resume tu….tp,masa mencemburui kami sume pd hr itu…tp, dgn ilmu yg dperoleh nie, skit sbnyak membuka pengetahuan bakal graduan 2011 nie cara menulis resume yg terbaik…

baiklah, semasa menulis resume, penting utk kita ketahui:

 Determine who is reading ur resume
 Write what d reader (employer) wants to hear
 Make ur resume easy to read
 Write a resume with substance and depth…(mendalam dan tepu dgn maklumat)

Kdg2 kt hntar resume, tp xdterima….knapa eh??? Sebabnya…………

 Ur resume Is too general
 U don’t use keyword
 Ur resume contains typos or grammatical goofs (nti aku terangkan)
 U really aren’t qualified for d job u’re applying for…

Manakala isi kandungannya pula…should be..

a) The cover letter
b) The resume
 The basics
 The heading
 Obj section
 Education section
 Experience section
 Additional/other info section
c) Choose d best words for ur resume
d) Watch ur formatting
e) Typos on resume can cost u a job
f) Attachment

~The cover letter
 Why should u hire me?
 1 paragraph in 1 page only
 Effectvly highlight d applicant’s skills n qualifications
 Explain d reason for d letter n enclosed resume

~the resume : the basic
 Easy to read and well organized
 Should be written from d perspective of d potential employer

~the heading
 Contct info
 Avoid use unprofessional email…use full name..ex:

~the objective
 Short
 Concise statement that exactly what d applicant intends to accomplish by writing d resume.
 Should be consider both goals and d company’s goals..

~edu section
 In chronological order (most recent to d school attended)
 List d major + specialization + coursework, skills developed….

~experience section
 In chronological order, work xperience : position : period : responsibility : challenges : achievement…..

~additional/ other info
 Language,…..other skills

~choose d best words for ur resume
o ‘willing to work weekends and evenings’
o ‘able to travel or relocate’
o Says that u are young, well qualified, full of enthusiasm and capable of easily integrating with a team..

o Phrases like:
 Hardworking
 Extremely, reliable, considerate, organized.
 Learn new things quickly
 Well developed skills in….

 Hope to hear from you, shorty
 Have a keen eye of derail
 I’m attacking my resume for u to review
 Here are my qualifications for u to overlook
 My work ethics are impeachable….n etc…

o Jgn lupa sertakan attachment…..dgn document separator,,,(utk mengasingkan sijil2 tue…)

Ada jugak dgr2 crita senior yg prktikal di uil, diorang mtk bntuan puan yg expert dlm buar resume…wpun bhari2 jugak nak siapkan resume tu, tp diorg ttp b’usaha utk siapkan resume yg terbaik…smpaikan apb resume tu dh siap, puan tu blh guaranty yg diorang akn dterima bkerja lps tnjuk resume tu….best kan…hemm…jd, usaha tu tangga kejayaan…..jgn pndang resume tu remeh2 jer….nanti sebelum kuar dr u ni, amek la bengkel buat resume atau sgala program yg dianjurkan UIL-UUM…mcm aku n rumet, minggu dpn akan attend lg bengkel buat resume, team work…etc…pengisian pd hr itu nti, insyaALLAH akan aku posting kan d sini lagi….

Moral of d story: Semoga kt juga akan berusaha untuk mmbuat resume yg smpurna dan terbaik …Semoga pelajar uum akan dpt pekerjaan pd ms dpn….amin…=)

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